CEC® Cosmetology EduClasses

Account support

Describe your issue

Start writing about the issue you are having and we'll find the best solution for your problem. If we can't find anything to help you, we'll be sure to get you in contact with a real person. You can also browse our FAQs which contains the solutions to the majority of all issues.
  • Can a friend use their credit/bank card to purchase the course for me?

    Yes, but they will need to enter their credit/bank card billing address in place of your address in the billing information area to complete the purchase.

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    bank cardcredit cardpurchasefamilyfriendmemeber
    Do I need to finish the course the same day I start it or can I do it in sessions?

    This is a self-paced study material that saves your progress, so you can work on it when the time is convenient for you.

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    finsihcompleteone sittingcoursesessionsame dayclassat once
    Do you offer a food handlers course?

    Yes, you can find more information at foodhandlerclasses.com.

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    Do you offer a food managers course?

    Yes, you can find more information at foodmanagerclasses.com.

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    Do you offer alcohol safety classes?

    Yes, you can find more information at sellerserverclasses.com.

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    How can I get my certificate?

    CEC Certificates are pending until hours have been submitted. We ask that clients allow 1-5 business days for hours to be submitted. They will receive an email notification once this process has been complete and their certificate is available for them to view or print. 

    Please note: If you provide an invalid license number OR the first and last name provided does NOT match the first and last name on your license, this will extend the length of time it will take for your hours to be successfully submitted.

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    How long does it take to complete the course?

    This Study Material will take approximately 4 hours to read at your own pace with exception of the Sanitation 1 hour course which will take approximately 1 hour.

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    How long is my cosmetology certificate good for?

    Your cosmetology continuing education certificate of completion is good for one year.

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    How many Personal Verification Questions (PVQ) questions do I have to create?

    You are required to create 10 PVQ question and answers.

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    How much does it cost to get a duplicate of my cosmetology certificate?

    It does not cost anything. You may reprint your cosmetology certificate any time you want from any computer with internet access until the expiration date of the certificate.

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    I am unable to complete my purchase of the cosmetology course. Why not?

    In most cases, it is because the billing information for your credit/bank card does not match the address in your profile or there are insufficient funds in your account. This is to prevent fraud. Another reason could be the security phrase was not entered correctly. The security phrase is case sensitive.

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    I believe I submitted the correct answer for a PVQ question, but was kicked out of the course. What do I do?

    We are able to track PVQ answers within your course. If you feel that your PVQ answer was correct, we will check the PVQ log from your courses and verify if your answer was correct or not. If your answer was correct, we will reopen your course to allow you to continue. If your answer was incorrect, you will be required to repurchase the course.

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    I can't remember my password. What do I do to get a new one?

    To reset your password, select "support" from the menu. You can then click the "reset your password here" link on the right of the page. Next, you will need to provide your email address and type in the security phrase.

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    I do not have a credit/bank card. Can I pay with a check?

    Sorry, we only accept checks for group orders, but you can purchase a money card from most major grocery stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, Albertsons, or Kroger.

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    I don’t have a printer. How can I print my certificate?

    You can log into cosmetology continuing ed from any computer. This allows you to access your account and print your certificate from any computer with internet access and printer. This could be at work, a public library, a friend or family members house, or career placement center.

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    I lost my username. What do I do?

    You can contact customer support via email or call our customer service at (903) 893-3717 to retrieve your username.

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    I'm on the homepage and it's asking for my “Username” and “Password” but I don't have a username and password! How do I get to the course?

    To receive a username and password, you must first create a profile by registering on the website. After this, you will be given the opportunity to select and purchase a course.

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    Is my email address my username?

    No, your username is your first initial and last name, sometimes followed by a number.

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    Is there an exam at the end of the course?

    No, there is no exam at the end of the course. After finishing the last class of your course package, you will have the option to print your certificate of completion.

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    Text to Speech Extensions for Browsers

      Here is a solution for for those who prefer to have the content of our programs read aloud to them.  Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox all have extensions that you can attach to your browsers that will read the content of the web site, programs and exams.

    The one we have tested that works well and appears to be free is: Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader.

     You can download it at the browser's extension stores or go to the their web site at ReadAloud.app.

    It is an open source solution and is available in 9 languages, at least per their official description by the browsers.  Their own detail says it supports upto 40 languages.

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    What happens if I enter the wrong PVQ answer to a PVQ question?

    You are given 3 opportunities to enter the correct answer for a PVQ question. If you submit an incorrect answer to a PVQ question 3 times, you will automatically fail and be required to repurchase the course.

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    When do I purchase a course?

    After you create a profile, you will be asked if you would like to purchase one of our courses. You are not forced to choose at that moment. You can come back later to make your purchase when ready.

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    Why does the website require me to enter Personal Verification Questions (PVQ)?

    The state requires us to verify your identity at various times while taking your course to verify the correct person is actually taking the course.

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    Contact Support

    We couldn't find a solution to your problem. If you want to talk to us directly, please sign into your account or call us at (903) 893-3717.